Finishing Options
- E1000 Include 20 Jobs of Automatic RE-EDGE Memory
- E1000 GP2 has a 2nd 10 degree Finishing Wheel!
- E1000 can Groove any lens from any edger!
- E1000 can Safety Bevel any lens from any edger!
- E1000 can Re-Edge a lens even if it was unblocked!
3 Year Warranty on parts: 1 year on labor
Fastest Polycarbonate & Trivex Processing
Industrial Grooving Motor & Arm
Fastest Grooving & Safety Bevels
Odor Reduction System INCLUDED!
4 Chuck Sizes INCLUDED!
Multi Language Support25 x 17mm, 20mm Round, 20 x 17mm, 20 x 15mm
Model GP
Multi-Width Grooves, Safety-Bevels & Polished lenses
Standard Bevel & Polishing Wheel plus Glass & Plastic Roughing Wheels
Model GP2
Same as Model GP but the Glass Roughing Wheel is replaced by a 2nd 10 degree finishing wheel that is optimized for high-minus and wrap lenses.
Model P
Same as Model GP but does not have Grooving and Safety Bevel Arm
Model S
Same as Model P but does not have Polishing
Advanced Finishing Options!
Exclusive Feature: No other Edger is capable of offering these useful time saving options!
Essentially this is a collection of programs that take theRe-Edge cycle and move forward to the next generation of machine capabilities! If a lens is not detected in the last 20 jobs of Automatic Re-Edge Memory; the E1000automatically opens its’ Exclusive; Advanced FinishingPrograms. A perfect example of when this is invaluable might be if a lens were unblocked before the operator noticed the size was big, the groove was missing or the safety bevels were not present. Simply place a block back on the lens without regard for axis or location of the center of the lens and let the E1000 solve your problem!